

Finding easy things to make on busy days is always a must for me, not that I don’t love and enjoy cooking elaborate meals for myself and my children, sometimes the best and most tasty route is making something easy.

Now easy doesn’t always have to be unhealthy food, it usually means finding a little corner to cut to make life a little bit less complicated. Almost all of my meals at home have some small cheat, from pre minced ginger to even ready roll puff pastry which can create some lovely pies and is even a tip from professional chefs, Some wonderful meals can be created with little cheat tips.

Pizza is by far my favourite of the fast foods, comes close in with noodles but more often than not I turn to pizza for a filling meal when nothing is in the fridge, however this little meal comes from the fact you can purchase premade pizza dough. The dough in question is from The Northern Dough Company which I found at my local Tesco’s in the frozen section, so you will need to give it time to defrost before use, but the dough is ready to use and to roll out into the perfect pizza shape.


One ready made pizza dough, or make your own.
Tomato Paste.
Toppings of your choice we used; pepperoni, ham and pineapple


I prepped the dough and turned the oven on to the correct time that’s on the box of the dough. Things will get a little messy with all the flour that will get used as you roll the dough out, I allowed my children to help out and get their dinner ready, they spread on the tomato paste and their choice in toppings and placed them into the oven for the time that’s suggested on the box. Usually I leave pizza in for slightly longer as I prefer it with a little bit more of a crisp.

Once its cooked I served with some salady bits and plenty of ketchup for the youngest. As I said before I do enjoy a pizza and these came out really well and has been added to our rotation of monthly meal ideas.

For more recipe ideas please see the recipe tag.



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